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7 Natural Methods to Boost Fertility

When it comes to fertility improvement, you should know that it is something a lot of couples can use. Nearly 15% of all people have some problems in regards to conception. 

7 Natural Methods to Boost Fertility

Numerous reasons contribute to this. What is more important though is that there are many ways to help with fertility problems. Even though most of them are simple enough, they can boost fertility significantly. Take note:

1. Focus on a bigger breakfast 

women with fertility issues should know that a bigger breakfast can help resolve the issue. According to studies, a better breakfast improves the hormonal consequences of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a major contributor to infertility. 

Women of normal weight who eat the most calories with their breakfast show reduced levels of insulin and testosterone. Additionally, they ovulate 30% more than women who have smaller breakfast. Do note that increasing your breakfast without decreasing calorie intake throughout the rest of the day can lead to weight gain.

2. Reduce carbohydrates

many doctors recommend a low-carb diet for women with PCOS. The main reason for this is that the risk of infertility increases with higher carb intake. According to some studies, women who consumed more carbs were at 78% higher risk of ovulatory infertility than women who adopted a low-carb diet. 

Keep in mind the type of carbohydrates is also essential. In that sense, refined carbohydrates found in sugary drinks and foods are absorbed by the body very quickly. This causes a spike in insulin levels, which ups the chances of PCOS.

3. Eat more foods rich in antioxidants

zinc and folate are essential in fertility improvement for both men and women. They do this by deactivating the free radicals that damage egg and sperm cells in the body. As a result, the chance of conception grows significantly. Foods that contain antioxidants are grains, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

4. Eat more fibre

fibre can greatly help your body remove excess hormones and maintain a balanced level of blood sugar. Foods like beans and whole grains can remove estrogen by binding with the hormones and then flushing them out. Even small amounts of fibre (10 grams daily) could lead to significant improvements in fertility.

5. Consume high-fat dairy

low-fat dairy foods increase the risk of infertility, whereas high-fat dairy could, in fact, decrease it. Try to replace a single serving of low-fat dairy with a high-fat product, like a glass of whole milk for example.

6. Exercise your body

many studies point out to the fact that sedentary lifestyle leads to higher risk of infertility. Regular exercises not only negates this effect but also contributes to better weight loss efforts and increased wellbeing. Yet, you should know that excessive exercise could have an adverse impact on fertility. Moderation is key.

7. Relax

with an increase in stress levels, hormones levels in the body change in favour of those that reduce fertility. It is estimated that nearly 30% of women experience problems with working long hours and stressful jobs. You need to find a way to combat stress, be it through some hobby, meditation, yoga or some other activity.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to reduce the risk of infertility. It is up to you to implement these strategies in your life.

You can also consult with the experts at The Natural Doctor on 020 7224 4622.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10001099

Bona Pasogit
Bona Pasogit Content Creator, Video Creator and Writer

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