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Advice To Businesses Using WordPress Who Are Worried About Security

I have this client who I affectionately call "The WordPress Worry Wart." Why?

Because this guy's entire business, product line, brand, and web presence is completely wrapped up in his WordPress website. All of which was well and good at first 5 years ago. But the bigger he gets, the more he relies on it all working, and the more his income is tied up into the software, the more vulnerable he feels, the more at risk his business is from being obliterated by a jealous hater or hacker, and the more he worries about it.

Advice To Businesses Using WordPress Who Are Worried About Security

Can't say as I blame him for the worrying part though.

Personally, I think WordPress is a huge advantage for online marketers. It's simplicity is unmatched. And I've used it myself for years, and still do in some ventures. But it's also riddled with security problems, especially because it's the #1 platform and is the most targeted by hackers. Not a big deal if you're a mommy blogger doing it for fun. But if your entire business is bound by blood to WordPress?

It's definitely a problem

And the reason it's a problem is because of all the security "holes" it has, and that constantly have to be plugged in and fixed. And my client is (rightfully so!) afraid because he goes in and he updates it and all of a sudden his server crashes. He's had that happen numerous times where he updated a plugin in and the whole thing comes crashing down. This is nothing against WordPress, it's just the nature of software. I've seen it happen when I did my time as a Nuclear Engineer for the Navy as well as when I ran a $12 million budget working for Encyclopedia Brittanica as a software developer.

And so there's just this anxiety he has about WordPress. It's supposed to be simple and it is. But when it comes to running an ever-growing and eer-expanding business, with multiple plugins and security patches it doesn't always work together in perfect harmony.
The solution?

Mobile apps

Mobile apps are Web 3.0 in my opinion. And in five to ten years businesses will have some kind of app if they want to stay competitive. They have very few - if any - of the security problems web based content management platforms have. They make consuming content ridiculously easy since everyone has their phones with them all the time, everywhere they go. And whether someone likes it or not, the statistics don't lie. The most recent stats show the average person touches their mobile phone 2,617 times per DAY. They are always within 3 feet of their phones, even when eating, driving, traveling, exercising, dressing, shopping, waiting for appointments, sleeping, or while in the bathroom. That's why 70%+ of digital content is consumed on a phone. And 92% of the time people are on their phone they are in a mobile app.

That means that is where your customers are. It doesn't mean not to use WordPress or an HTML website for some of your business's needs. But when it comes to content consumption, why not go where they are already going, and do it in a way that is protected from the hackers always trying to bring good businesses down?

The evil forces that attack WordPress and other popular content management platforms aren't really a problem when a mobile app is set up & maintained correctly. And while it costs tens of thousands of dollars to develop and maintain a mobile app, my Learnistic software lets your business have your own mobile app for less than the cost of your monthly cable bill. To get the details and a free test drive go here: https://www.Learnistic.com

Bona Pasogit
Bona Pasogit Content Creator, Video Creator and Writer

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