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List Erasmus Mundus Scholarship For Master and Doctoral Program's

Wowitukeren - Hundreds of Erasmus Mundus Scholarships or now called Erasmus Plus (Erasmus +) have been offered. These scholarships are available through each designated consortium. Non-European students, for example from Indonesia, are very likely to get this Erasmus + scholarship. Besides because the quota is quite a lot (spread), generally scholarships also consider the origin of candidates, for example from developing countries, lower middle income categories, never settled / study in Europe, etc. 
List Erasmus Mundus Scholarship For Master and Doctoral Program's

Two previous Erasmus Mundus scholarship opportunities , IMRD and EMLE scholarships were among the approximately 138 types of master program scholarships offered by the consortium. Meanwhile, there are dozens of doctoral program scholarships which also open almost simultaneously. Describing one by one on this page will be very ineffective due to limited deadlines.

This Erasmus Mundus Scholarship can be viewed directly through its website which provides a list of Erasmus Mundus Master scholarships ( Action 1 - EMMCs ) and Erasmus Mundus doctoral scholarships ( Action 1 - EMJDs ). The master / doctoral programs offered vary, such as engineering, manufacturing, construction, humanities, arts, social sciences, business, law, agriculture, animal husbandry, health, science, mathematics, and computers. Some programs offered by the consortium may be similar.

The scholarships obtained will include tuition fees, monthly allowances, insurance, travel expenses, etc. The total received is around 24,000 Euros per year and is valid for multiples of the following year.

1. Citizens from countries outside the European Union 
2. Not registered as a resident in any EU Member State 
3. Have not carried out their main activities (college, work, etc.) for more than 12 months in the last 5 years in EU Member States 
4. Have completed S1 level education. For those who have earned a degree at a higher academic level, they can also apply for the Erasmus Mundus Masters Program, as long as the admission criteria for certain programs allow it 
5. Have been accepted or have been registered in an Erasmus Mundus 

Academic Masters Program :
1. Citizens from from outside countries European Union
2. Not registered as a resident in any EU Member State; 
3. Have never carried out his main activities (college, work, etc.) for more than 12 months in the last 5 years in EU Member States 
4. Have excellent academic and / or professional experience; 
5. Academics and professionals who teach or conduct research. 

* More details are available on each consortium website. 

Applicants can register directly with each consortium's website. Generally done online by completing the documents they requested. Registration deadlines can be different because this is the policy of each consortium. So even with technical requirements. 

Tips and suggestions:
1. First determine the department, university, or country that you are interested in.
2. See the scholarship quota amount from the consortium. The more the better 
3. See if you meet the criteria 
4. Copy the website address, brochure, e-mail, or telephone, for login / communication at any time 
5. Register faster is better
Bona Pasogit
Bona Pasogit Content Creator, Video Creator and Writer

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