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Basic Components Computer Network

Basic Components Computer Network and the insight. Before we further learn Mikrotik , it's good to learn first about the foundation of Computer Network itself that this knowledge will be used also on the installation and use of Mikrotik. The computer network is a group of autonomous computers interconnected with each other, using a specific media and communication protocol , so that they can share data and information. Computer networks allow more efficient communication between users.

Computer Networks. Computer network is a group of autonomous computers interconnected using a communication protocol via the communication media so that they can share data, information, application programs and hardware devices such as printers, scanners, CD - Drive or hard drive and allow electronic communications. While the home user applications, enabling more efficient communication among users (chat), more interactive multimedia entertainment (games,videos,etc.).

Router is a device that will pass IP packets from one network to another network, using the methods and protocols addressing certain to pass the packet data. Router is a device that has the ability to skip the IP packets from one network to another which may have many paths between them . Routers that are connected to the internet network to participate in a distributed routing algorithm to determine the best path through which IP packets from system to another system . Hop routing process carried out by hop . IP does not know the whole path towards the destination of each packet . IP routing provides only the IP address of the next router which he is closer to the destination host.
Bona Pasogit
Bona Pasogit Content Creator, Video Creator and Writer

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