Chocolate Chips Muffin
Barusan saya beli loyang muffin di salah satu toko serba ada di dekat rumah. Lumayaaan, lagi diskon 25%. Girang banget deh dapet yang murah :D
Nhah, ini resep yang dipilih buat merawanin loyang baru nih. Saya pengen nyobain resep chocolate chips muffin by Laura Vitale. Sukaa..sama blognya, karena dilengkapi video tutorial. Jadi gampang ngikutinnya, hihihi..
Tapi oh tapi..hasilnya ternyata ga sesuai ekspektasi.. pengennya lebih moist lagi. Dan meskipun muffin termasuk quick bread yang memang padat, tapi ya mungkin karena kurang moist itu tadi jadinya kok kaya kepadetan.. Mungkin saya yang kebanyakan ngaduk pas bikin adonan, jadi hasilnya jadi kurang empuk dan agak kering begini. Tapi jujur, kayana mo cobain resep yang lain duluu.. Hehee.. Mungkin resep yang pake full sour cream atau buttermilk bisa jadi lebih moist..
Dan juga menurut saya kurang manis.. kali lain kalau mau mbikin lagi harus ditambahin gulanya..
Choco Chips Muffin
by Laura Vitale
Ingredients:2 cups of Flour1 Tbsp of Baking Powder½ tsp of Salt1/8 tsp of Ground Cinnamon1 12 oz Bag of Milk Chocolate Chips2/3 of a cup of Whole Milk½ cup of Melted Unsalted Butter2 Tbsp of Sour Cream2 Eggs½ tsp of Vanilla Extract1/3 cup of Granulated Sugar1/3 cup of Brown Sugar
1) Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Line a 12 cup muffin tin with liners and spray the edges with non stick cooking spray, set aside.
2) In a small bowl mix together the first 4 ingredients and set aside.
3) In another small bowl add the chocolate chips and half a cup of the dry ingredients mix and toss to make sure each piece of chocolate chips are coated in the flour mixture.
4) In a large bowl mix together the remaining ingredients until combined. Add the dry ingredients and just mix to combine but not over mixing. Using a spatula fold in the chocolate chip mixture and make sure they are evenly spread out through out the batter.
6) Bake for 15 to 18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the muffin comes out clean
2) In a small bowl mix together the first 4 ingredients and set aside.
3) In another small bowl add the chocolate chips and half a cup of the dry ingredients mix and toss to make sure each piece of chocolate chips are coated in the flour mixture.
4) In a large bowl mix together the remaining ingredients until combined. Add the dry ingredients and just mix to combine but not over mixing. Using a spatula fold in the chocolate chip mixture and make sure they are evenly spread out through out the batter.
5) Using a large ice cream scoop, divide the batter evenly in the prepared muffin pan.
6) Bake for 15 to 18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the muffin comes out clean
Berikut versi yang sudah saya translate plus konversi yah..
260 gr tepung terigu
1 sdm baking powder
1/2 sdt garam
1/8 sdt kayu manis bubuk
230 gr choco chips
>> campur rata, sisihkan
160 ml susu cair
113 gr mentega leleh
2 sdm sour cream*
2 telur
1/2 sdt vanilla
65 gr gula pasir putih
65 gr brown sugar
*home made sour cream: untuk 1 cup sour cream, tambahkan 1 sdm air jeruk nipis pada 240 ml heavy cream. Saya biasa pake yang 30% juga udah oke
Cara membuat:
1. Panaskan oven 200 C. Olesi loyang muffin dengan mentega atau alasi paper cup
2. Campurkan bahan cair dan gula sampai rata. Tambahkan campuran bahan kering, aduk hanya hingga tercampur dan jangan kelebihan mengaduk.
3. Bagi adonan ke 12 cetakan muffin
4. Panggang selama15-18 menit atau sampai tusuk gigi dimasukkan akan keluar bersih
Adonan agak sedikit lumpy, biarkan saja dan jangan terlalu overmix
Selamat mencoba!
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